Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nana's Ginger Cookie

Brand: Nana's
~ Other reviews of this brand!
~ This item is in A&Z's Store!

Product Name: Ginger Cookie

Location Purchased: Whole Foods

Cost: $1.99 for one large cookie

Note: This product was part of Z's Blind Ginger Cookie Taste Test! See the results!

Total From A to Z: 3.5 Stars

A's Review: * *
This cookie is really chewy, really dense, and really soft. Not my favorite.

Z's Review: * * * * *
This may be the biggest disagreement A and I have had about gluten-free food rankings. A put this cookie in 4th place but I put it in 1st place. You can smell this cookie as soon as you open the package - and it smells great! While this is a very soft and "cakey" cookie, I thought it had a really enjoyable flavor. It reminded me of spice cake, and though the texture is a little bit weird for a cookie, I really, really enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. We got feedback from Nana's! Here is what they said:

    Thank you for your email and the review.
    It has been forwarded to our management team.
    We value all comments and feedback from our customers, fans and critics.
    Your site is great, fun and full of wonderful information.
    Keep it up!
    Janet Nager
    Nana’s Cookie Company


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